The Importance Of Keeping An Eye On Your Credit Score
August 4, 2021
What Is Credit Invisibility?
August 23, 2021There are many questions that you need to ask yourself when buying authorized user tradelines. Remember, you are making an investment in your financial future. If you don’t make the right choices, you could end up not seeing any change in your credit score at all, which is the last thing you want if your primary goal is to use your credit score to take steps toward your financial goals.
One of the important questions that you need to ask when buying authorized user tradelines is:
What Kinds of Credit Limits Do Authorized User Tradelines Have?
Come dive in with us as we explore the answer to this burning question.
Credit Limits of Authorized User Tradelines
If you’re planning on buying your authorized user tradelines from a reputable business (which you absolutely should), then those authorized user tradelines should come with perfect payment histories and low credit utilization ratios. They should also come from reputable banks or individuals.
Because things like perfect payment history and low utilization will be about the same no matter the card you buy, one of the things that you want to focus on when looking for the perfect authorized user tradeline is the credit limit.
Credit limit is an extremely important factor, as it has a major impact on your overall credit utilization ratio. Yes, individual cards that have high utilization ratios can negatively impact your credit score. However, getting your overall utilization ratio as low as you possibly can is still one of the most beneficial moves you can make when trying to optimize your credit.
Of course, depending on the kinds of goals you have with your credit, the credit limit can be an especially important factor. This is especially true if your goal is to establish a high-limit account history on your credit report.
Beyond credit, you also want to look at the age of a tradeline, as it is equally, if not more, important. A seasoned authorized user tradeline will not only contribute to your credit history length, but it can also add to your length of perfect payment histories, which is a good sight for lenders to see.
Potentially Increasing Your Credit Score With Authorized User Tradelines
So, as you can see, there are a few factors to consider when purchasing tradelines, two of the most important of which are credit limit and age.
Once you have a good idea of what you want to do with your credit score, as well as a good idea of what your financial goals are, you might wonder how authorized user tradelines can help.
Don’t worry, that’s why we’re here.
Here at Personal Tradelines, we help all kinds of people with their credit scores using authorized user tradelines. If you’re interested in learning more about how buying tradelines for sale can help you, make sure to drop us a line.
We look forward to helping you take the next steps toward your financial goals.