Disputing negative or incorrect information on your credit report won’t cost you a dime and you can do it on your own without having to ask for help from a professional. Of course, instead of filing disputes, there are many individuals that choose to hire reputable credit repair companies to do the work for them.
If you want to dispute the negative information on your credit report on your own, there are a few ways to get it done.
For starters, you can go to the website of a CRA and file your dispute with them online. Some of these CRAs include:
- Experian
- TransUnion
- Equifax
You can also utilize some other methods, including:
- Mailing your dispute through your local postal service
- Getting in contact with your CRA on the phone
- Get in touch with the furnishing party to dispute information
Which Method Of Disputing Do We Recommend?
Unfortunately, there is no golden rule or best practice when it comes to disputing negative information on your credit report. More often than not, however, we advise consumers to file their disputes through the credit bureaus. The reason for this is that if the credit bureaus fail to remove the disputed information that is incorrect, you can better position yourself to take legal action.
Why Should You Dispute Directly With Your Furnishing Party
Whenever you choose to file a direct dispute with your furnishing party, the party that is furnishing incorrect information to the credit bureaus, you can take out the incorrect information at the source. A furnishing party is obligated to correct any inaccurate information that they send out to CRAs.
If you analyze your credit reports and see more than one mistake, making a direct dispute with your furnishing party can save you time, as you can fill out multiple errors and have several pieces of information corrected at once.
Removing Derogatory Marks With a Credit Repair Company
While you can dispute negative or incorrect information for free, there are many people that choose to go the convenient route of working with a credit repair company to remove this information from their credit reports.
If you decide to go this route, the credit repair company will make the disputes for you.
Do note that, thanks to the Credit Repair Organizations Act, a credit repair company is not allowed to charge you in advance when providing this type of service. However, if they remove the information successfully, they can charge you for their services.
Final Thoughts – Removing Negative Information From Your Credit Score With Ease
If you decide you want to increase your score even further after getting rid of derogatory marks, we highly recommend purchasing authorized user tradelines. There are so many success stories stemming from authorized user tradelines. The proof is in the pudding.
Make sure to get in contact with us with any further questions regarding tradelines and make sure to check out Part 2 of this article here.